Christopher Chamberlin (1918-1984) Modern British painter
Christopher Chamberlin (1918-1984) Modern British painter
Christopher Chamberlin (1918-1984) Modern British painter 'Dock Entrance, Lots Road' Christopher Chamberlin (1918-1984) Modern British painter 'Dock Entrance, Lots Road'
About Christopher Chamberlin (1918-1984)

He studied at Clapham School of Art from 1934 to 1938, being awarded a London County Council three-year intermediate scholarship in 1935. In 1938 he accepted a Royal Exhibition and studied at Royal College of Art before conscription into the Army Service Corps. He served with the BEF in France before he was evacuated at Dunkirk. On demobilisation after the war he continued at the RCA until 1948.

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Dock Entrance, Lots Road

  • Size unframed: H18 x W24 ins (46 x 61 cms)
  • Size framed: H24 x W30 ins (61 x 76 cms)
  • Oil on Board
  • Framed

There is a certain category of painting that arrives in Panter & Hall from the far flung corners of the secondary market art universe. Signifiers include a certain subtlety of palette bordering on the monochromatic, usually towards the grey/brown end of the spectrum. Unkind words such as ‘dirgy’ and ‘depressing’ are bandied about and there is general agreement that this is a ‘Matthew’ picture. Well this painting is my idea of heaven. I’m not sure why I feel such an affinity for post war Britain, the austerity and rationing, the bomb sites and perhaps most of all the Black & White film. Even I’m too young to remember it but perhaps growing up in the 1970s, with it’s preponderance of Ealing comedies, led to a cultural false memory syndrome. I certainly shouldn’t feel this nostalgia for a time and place I’ve no experience of. Chamberlain’s painting of an industrial site in Chelsea’s Lots Road has it all, an incredibly sophisticated use of colour and tone, a compositional view point that simply places you at the scene and a sense of the times that transports you to the period more effectively than any virtual reality gizmo.

About Christopher Chamberlin (1918-1984)

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