Towards the Salute
Towards the Salute
Towards the Salute Towards the Salute
About Adam Ralston
Born in Lytham St Annes, Adam studied at Blackpool Art College and still lives and paints in the town. He is an elected member of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters where he has won a number of prizes, notably the Menena Joy Schwabe Award and the Frank Herring Easel Award. He is a regular exhibitor at the New English Art Club and a member of the Manchester Academy of Fine Arts and the British Plein Air Painters.

Towards the Salute

  • Size unframed: H11 x W14 ins (28 x 36 cms)
  • Size framed: H18 x W21 ins (46 x 53 cms)
  • Oil on Board
  • Framed

In our Cecil Court Gallery 

About Adam Ralston
Born in Lytham St Annes, Adam studied at Blackpool Art College and still lives and paints in the town. He is an elected member of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters where he has won a number of prizes, notably the Menena Joy Schwabe Award and the Frank Herring Easel Award. He is a regular exhibitor at the New English Art Club and a member of the Manchester Academy of Fine Arts and the British Plein Air Painters.