Silver Teapot and Cranberries
Silver Teapot and Cranberries
Silver Teapot and Cranberries Silver Teapot and Cranberries
About Sian Hopkinson

Siân Hopkinson was born in Hertfordshire in 1967. She attended Wimbledon School of Art and graduated in 1989. In her final year she became deeply engaged with the genre of still life, in particular the still life paintings of Spain in the 17th century where everyday humble objects become moving and miraculous. She took particular inspiration from the works Chardin, Velazquez, Manet and Morandi.

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Silver Teapot and Cranberries

  • Size unframed: H11 x W12 ins (28 x 30 cms)
  • Size framed: H16 x W17 ins (41 x 43 cms)
  • Oil on Canvas on Panel
  • Framed

This painting is in our Cecil Court Gallery.

About Sian Hopkinson

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