Seaplane of the Imperial German Air Force over the Baltic Coast, 1918
Seaplane of the Imperial German Air Force over the Baltic Coast, 1918
Seaplane of the Imperial German Air Force over the Baltic Coast, 1918 Seaplane of the Imperial German Air Force over the Baltic Coast, 1918
About Carl Malchin (1838-1923)

Malchin's father was a member of the Mecklenburg legislature and he attended high school in Rostock, before being apprenticed to a surveyor in Schwaan, a town traditionally known as an artists’ colony.

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Seaplane of the Imperial German Air Force over the Baltic Coast, 1918

  • Size unframed: H24 x W20 ins (61 x 51 cms)
  • Size framed: H32 x W28 ins (81 x 71 cms)
  • Oil on Board
  • Framed
Original artwork
About Carl Malchin (1838-1923)

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