Fallen Tree, Segganwell Gorge
Fallen Tree, Segganwell Gorge
Fallen Tree, Segganwell Gorge Fallen Tree, Segganwell Gorge
About Sandy Murphy
From his home and studio on the Scottish west coast, Sandy Murphy pursues an intensely single-minded passion for paint and its involvement in his visual response to his native Ayrshire landscape.  A pupil of Robertson, Shanks and Rae at Glasgow, Sandy’s richly textured oils have clear antecedents in Gillies and Eardley. His intimate, carefully considered works stand comparison with the best works of both these masters of Scottish painting.

Fallen Tree, Segganwell Gorge

  • Size unframed: H36 x W46 ins (91 x 117 cms)
  • Size framed: H42 x W52 ins (107 x 132 cms)
  • Oil on Linen
  • Framed
About Sandy Murphy

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