#37 Are You Sure? Doris
#37 Are You Sure? Doris
#37 Are You Sure? Doris #37 Are You Sure? Doris
About Sam Toft

Previously a Catering Manager, Death Grants Advisor, Cinema Usherette and Fire Extinguisher Sales Person, Sam was determined to carve out a niche as an artist. Fifteen years and a whole lot of hard work later, Sam's work is published internationally as posters, greetings cards, calendars and Limited Edition prints and has been sold through outlets such as John Lewis, Paperchase, Next and IKEA. She has had a number of successful solo shows and continues to sell original work through a small number of selected venues. Perhaps Sam's appeal as an artist has something to do with her ability to capture a sense of hope, optimism and good old fashioned British eccentricity. Her characters inhabit a world which is both otherworldly and instantly recognisable. The faded ice cream colours of the British seaside give a feeling of pathos and nostalgia: the wind is often blowing, the weather is often wet, love is often unrequited and there is always sand in the sandwiches.

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#37 Are You Sure? Doris

  • Size unframed: H6 x W4 x D4 ins (15 x 10 x 10 cms)
  • Ceramic sculpture

'LOVE ALWAYS' embossed on Doris' rear. 


Please note: due to the fragile nature of these ceramics, they cannot be shipped and must be collected from the gallery before the end of Sam Toft's exhibition Keep on Keeping on - Friday 3rd December.

About Sam Toft

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