Deanery by the River
Deanery by the River
Deanery by the River Deanery by the River
About Paul Newland

Born in London, Paul studied at the Slade School of Fine Art where he was awarded a French Government scholarship to travel and work in France. He spent the 1970s in art education with a year in Rome that decided his concentration on watercolour as his medium of choice. He exhibits widely and is a prolific prize-winner, notably the House & Garden Award and the Hugh Casson Drawing Prize at the Royal Academy, the purchase prize at the Discerning Eye and the Smith & Williamson Cityscape Prize at the Sunday Times Watercolour Competition. He has served as Vice President of the Royal Watercolour Society and continues to serve as its Honorary Curator.

Deanery by the River

  • Size unframed: H23 x W31 ins (58 x 79 cms)
  • Size framed: H24 x W32 ins (61 x 81 cms)
  • Oil on Canvas
  • Framed
About Paul Newland

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