Nude Study in a Bedroom
Nude Study in a Bedroom
Nude Study in a Bedroom Nude Study in a Bedroom
About Christopher Richard Wynne Nevinson ARA (1889-1946)

Nevinson studied at the Slade School of Art under Henry Tonks and alongside Stanley Spencer and Mark Gertler. When he left the Slade, Nevinson befriended Marinetti, the leader of the Italian Futurists, and the radical writer and artist Wyndham Lewis, who founded the short-lived Rebel Art Centre. However, Nevinson fell out with Lewis and the other 'rebel' artists when he attached their names to the Futurist movement. Lewis immediately founded the Vorticists, an avant garde group of artists and writers from which Nevinson was excluded.

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Nude Study in a Bedroom

  • Size unframed: H22 x W16 ins (56 x 41 cms)
  • Size framed: H29 x W26 ins (74 x 66 cms)
  • Mixed Media on Paper
  • Framed
Original artwork
About Christopher Richard Wynne Nevinson ARA (1889-1946)

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