Al Fresco lunch in the Harbour
Al Fresco lunch in the Harbour
Al Fresco lunch in the Harbour Al Fresco lunch in the Harbour
About Marissa Weatherhead

Marissa studied art for seven years and holds a First-class BA in Fine Art from Gloucestershire College of Art and Design and an MA from The Royal College of Art in London. Throughout her career she has gained recognition in the form of awards notably the Boise Travel Scholarship, the John Minton Travel Award and the Joy Barnes Award for Painting. Whilst commissions have included painting ‘The Four Seasons ‘(14x10feet) for the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, Barbican, London.

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Al Fresco lunch in the Harbour

  • Size unframed: H24 x W32 ins (61 x 81 cms)
  • Size framed: H27 x W35 ins (69 x 89 cms)
  • Acrylic on Board
  • Framed
About Marissa Weatherhead

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