Fruit Still Life, 1963
Fruit Still Life, 1963
Fruit Still Life, 1963 Fruit Still Life, 1963
About Ida Cooke (1909-1982)

A New Zealander by birth, Ida Cooke arrived in London in 1929 to study under Tonks at the Slade. Clearly a prodigious talent, she was awarded the Slade Prize for Life Painting in 1933 and the Orpen Bursary a year later. Deciding to settle in England permanently, Ida continued her studies while travelling across Europe. During this period she began to exhibit publicly, showing regularly at the Royal Academy and Accademia Italia delle Arti e del Lavoro, winning a Gold Medal at the latter.

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Fruit Still Life, 1963

  • Size unframed: H14 x W12 ins (36 x 30 cms)
  • Size framed: H21 x W19 ins (53 x 48 cms)
  • Oil on Canvas
  • Framed

Exhibited at the United Society of Artists in 1963. From 1956, the UA held its annual exhibitions at the Federation of British Artists Galleries in Suffolk Street, Pall Mall, London.

About Ida Cooke (1909-1982)

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