Coloured Light
Coloured Light
Coloured Light Coloured Light
About Denis Bowen (1921-2006)

Painter, born in Kimberley, South Africa of Welsh parentage. In 1927 he relocated to Manchester and shortly afterwards to Huddersfield. He studied at Huddersfield School of Art, 1938-41 where he studied under Reginald Napier. Following service during World War II in the Royal Navy, Bowen furthered his studies Royal College of Art, 1948-48. He taught at various art colleges in the 1950’s including Kingston School of Art, Hammersmith, Ealing, the RCA and at the Central School of Arts & Crafts. In 1952 he acted as Secretary to Paule Vezelay for Groupe Espace and he was a founder member of the Free Painters & Sculptors originating at the ICA 1953-56. Bowen was an early exhibitor at the Loggia Gallery and also directed the New Vision Centre, London for a decade from 1956 in the 1960’s and around this time he had a transient brush with Op Art and Kinetic Art, where he experimented with relief and with new, optically vibrant, fluorescent or luminous paints.

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Coloured Light

  • Size unframed: H20 x W30 ins (51 x 76 cms)
  • Size framed: H21 x W31 ins (53 x 79 cms)
  • Oil on Canvas
  • Framed
About Denis Bowen (1921-2006)

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