Break on Exercise in Brecon
Break on Exercise in Brecon
Break on Exercise in Brecon Break on Exercise in Brecon
About Rob Pointon

Rob has painted since he was a child under the tutelage of his artist grandmother. He attended Aberystwyth University, graduating with first-class honours before winning a bursary to study at The Royal Drawing School in London. On graduation in 2005, he was awarded the school’s Drawing Prize. He has enjoyed an increasingly successful career as a professional artist ever since. Painting entirely en plein air, he is best known for his large scale, wide-angle perspectives that burst with life and movement.

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Break on Exercise in Brecon

  • Size unframed: H9 x W12 ins (23 x 30 cms)
  • Size framed: H16 x W19 ins (41 x 48 cms)
  • Pen and Conté on Paper
  • Framed
About Rob Pointon

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