About Catherine Pring

"A teacher at primary school told me the secret to making good art is to really look.  If you can learn how to look and pay attention and notice things - then you can make good art.  I think that’s true.

And it’s not that daunting, is it?  To look at something - see it, feel it and transcribe.  Anyone can do that.  You’ve just got to actually do it - persistently Be prepared to fail, learn, get better, be honest about what you’ve made, what worked, what didn’t and then do the next one.  That’s the work and play of it.

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  • Size unframed: H20 x W24 ins (51 x 61 cms)
  • Oil on Canvas
  • Unframed

In our Cecil Court Gallery

Aphrodite is the goddess of love and passion but she is also the goddess of procreation - and she’s a war goddess. I made this painting at the same time as the Birth of Aphrodite so much of what I said about that painting, applies for this one too. I still have a shell background and a feeling of the sea but it’s much less obvious in this canvas, Aphrodite is less coy and more in her skin - much more confident. Perhaps this painting is less about the love and passion aspect of Aphrodite and more about her being a mother, creator or warrior? I feel there is a definite sculptural element to this painting. This Aphrodite has such a strong form and she is very female but it doesn’t feel like she's made of flesh, the textures are like weathered bronze or stone. I love Henry Moore’s work, particularly his reclining and seated women, and think there is some compositional influence at play here.

About Catherine Pring

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