Bertram Mill
Bertram Mill
Bertram Mill's Circus (Framed) Bertram Mill's Circus
About Steven Spurrier RA (1878-1961)

In an age before the camera became the principle means of social record and the flickering screen in every house monopolised domestic entertainment, the printed word in the form of daily and weekly journals still provided the man in the street with his window on the rest of the world. At the turn of the last century, Steven Spurrier, the son of a silversmith-designer based in the City, left a brief period of employment with his father to embark on a career as a fulltime illustrator. By the 1930s he was to become one of the nation’s most celebrated news artists, in constant demand by the leading papers and periodicals of the day. Throughout the Edwardian period Spurrier was a regular contributor to Madame Pearsons, Royal, and both The Daily & Weekly Graphic. He continued to paint full time, exhibiting at the Royal Academy from 1906 with great success, culminating in the purchase of his 1913 exhibit ‘Afternoon’ by the Empress of Russia.

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Bertram Mill's Circus

  • Size unframed: H11 x W14 ins (28 x 36 cms)
  • Size framed: H19 x W22 ins (48 x 56 cms)
  • Ink on Paper
  • Framed
Original artwork
About Steven Spurrier RA (1878-1961)

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