Bull Mask "Brutus"
Bull Mask "Brutus"
Bull Mask "Brutus" Bull Mask "Brutus"
About Derek Matthews

Derek Matthews is a Selected Member of the Craft Potters Association.

A UK based freelance illustrator for more than forty years with clients from Tokyo to Toronto, he also illustrated a remarkably successful series of pop-up books with worldwide sales in excess of 13 million copies.

Derek now devotes almost his entire creative output to hand building ceramics. His ceramics often have a narrative element that’s imagined, half remembered, carefully researched or commissioned.

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Bull Mask "Brutus"

  • Size unframed: H14 x W21 x D6 ins (36 x 53 x 15 cms)
  • Ceramic sculpture

In our Cecil Court Gallery

With a hint of tribal art in the background I have reduced the bull head to a curved sheet of clay but allowed the clay and the kiln to give character and life to this piece. The name Brutus seemed appropriate to its gentle brooding presence. He’s very tactile and likes having his nose stroked.

About Derek Matthews

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