Cecil Court Christmas Show

Catherine Pring

Birth of Crete


Simon Davis



Richard Sowman

Apple Blossom, Wheelbarrow


Bridget Davies

The Champagne Night


Richard Rainey

Three Olives, One Jug


Norman Long

Brolly Buddies


Martin Llewellyn

Ceibwr Bay


Julian Sutherland Beatson

Changing of the Guard


Bridget Moore

Dance Troupe


Valeria Duca

Evening Light


Norman Long

The Empire, Leicester Square


Catherine Pring

Flight of Fancy


Adam Ralston

Buckingham Palace


Michael Alford

Lincoln's Inn Fields


Rob Pittam

Mackerel, Bread and Apples


Julian Sutherland Beatson

Near Rue Lafayette, Paris


Catherine Pring

Yellow Lady


Simon Davis



Catherine Pring

Red Geraniums


Simon Davis



Valeria Duca

View from my Bed


Bridget Moore

Saturday Afternoon


Martin Llewellyn

Clouds over Cwm Idwal


Bridget Davies

Something Fishy was Going On


Ann Armitage

Two Bowls


Michael Alford

The Red Lion, St James's


Richard Rainey

The Show


Julian Sutherland Beatson

Trooping the Colour


Rob Pittam

Mackerel, Pomegranates and Silver Plate


Derek Matthews

Pard on a Plinth
