Kundalini Rising
About Catherine Pring

"A teacher at primary school told me the secret to making good art is to really look.  If you can learn how to look and pay attention and notice things - then you can make good art.  I think that’s true.

And it’s not that daunting, is it?  To look at something - see it, feel it and transcribe.  Anyone can do that.  You’ve just got to actually do it - persistently Be prepared to fail, learn, get better, be honest about what you’ve made, what worked, what didn’t and then do the next one.  That’s the work and play of it.

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Kundalini Rising

  • Size unframed: H36 x W36 ins (91 x 91 cms)
  • Oil on Canvas
  • Unframed

In our Cecil Court Gallery

Kundalini, means literally 'coiled snake’ and is a form of divine feminine energy believed to be located at the base of the spine. This energy, when awakened through tantric practice, is believed to lead to spiritual liberation. The woman in the painting is very bold. She’s holding our gaze. She is seated at a table holding a cup and she’s twisting in her chair, like she’s about to get up. Her energy is rising. Although the skin tones are cool, her expression and red clothes indicate her strength and vitality. The shades of green in the background make me think of the Regent’s Canal but green is also a healing colour and the colour the heart chakra. Maybe the painting is about self-love, healing, growth - the journey women go through as they gain confidence in themselves. There is a snake coiled around the edge of the table that’s moving across the table and onto her sleeve, you can just make out the scales if you look closely.  This is where I got the title from - I mentioned the snake when I first posted the painting on social media and a yoga teacher friend commented ‘Kundalini Rising’ and I laughed and thought - yes. Perfect! I don’t know why I added the red circle in the centre of the table, it was an after-thought and felt like it was the right thing to do. It could be a heart or an apple - but I see it as representing a doorway you pass through on your journey of growth and awakening.

About Catherine Pring

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