Card Players
Card Players
Card Players Card Players
About Alexander Galt (1913-2000)

He was born in Greenock in 1913, the seventh child of a Clydeside brass founder. Living off the frugal earnings of his father’s labour he enrolled at the Glasgow School of Art in 1930.  Several other students would tease him over his poverty and often he was forced to make his own paints and use his hair to make brushes.  While at Glasgow he befriended David Donaldson and Bill Crosbie, both contemporaries at the school.  Donaldson who later became Queen’s Limner in Scotland and Head of the School of Art wrote that he was overawed by Galt’s draughtsmanship “…he could draw like an angel….and …could out Orpen Orpen”.  Many of the Glasgow art teachers referred to Galt as “the human camera”.  On graduation he won the Torrance Award for life painting and his diploma work toured the art schools of Scotland as an example to other students.

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Card Players

  • Size unframed: H9 x W11 ins (23 x 28 cms)
  • Size framed: H15 x W17 ins (38 x 43 cms)
  • Oil on Board
  • Framed
About Alexander Galt (1913-2000)

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