September Blaze
September Blaze
September Blaze September Blaze
About Ruth Fitton

Ruth has been fascinated by portraiture since her mid-teens. She taught herself to paint in oils while also studying for a BA in Music, and on graduating began painting full-time.

Ruth’s work is almost always figurative; it is humanity, facial expression, and body language which spark her imagination. She is celebrated for her empathetic characterisations, and for the strong narrative element she brings to her paintings. Inspirations include the work of pre-Raphaelite and naturalist painters (Waterhouse, Bastien-LePage, Friant).

Ruth is passionate about painting from life – she is drawn to the organic experience of capturing her immediate reality in paint. This passion is balanced by a keen curiosity regarding texture, layers, and edges. Quick, immersive live studies are generally followed by extensive studio work.

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September Blaze

  • Size unframed: H8 x W16 ins (20 x 41 cms)
  • Size framed: H13 x W21 ins (33 x 53 cms)
  • Oil on Board
  • Framed
About Ruth Fitton

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