Camberwell School Oil painting
Camberwell School Oil painting
Camberwell School Oil painting 'Bank Holiday' Camberwell School Oil painting 'Bank Holiday' framed

Bank Holiday

  • Size unframed: H28 x W36 ins (71 x 91 cms)
  • Size framed: H34 x W42 ins (86 x 107 cms)
  • Oil on Canvas
  • Framed
This is pure 1950s nostalgia, an image of the British public at play as if frozen in a Pathé News reel. Frustratingly there is no signature nor handy provenance to give a clue to authorship. The day trippers in small craft jostling in amongst the barges at a country lock are reminiscent of many 20th century painters. Stylistically it is pure Camberwell School of the period and if I were a betting man I would back three young students of the day–Christopher Pemberton, Dick Lee, or Anthony Eyton–as the most likely candidates. We will prob ably never know, so it is offered on the merits of the painting, subject and age alone.